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Guide for User Management of Clan Arenas

Okay. So, you just got your new clan arena, and are eager to get going with adding sub-arenas and making it your home, but you may not be quite sure about each of the website options that is available to you. The following guide will help explain each option you have, in relation to managing your arena. The guide shows a test account, “The_Team,” with user status, that I created to help show you how to do everything more easily. It’s “clan” is Team XLink.

1. Log into the website, with your Kai XTag and password. Now toward the right, you will see your control panel, with 3 options to click on. Click on Manage Arenas and Groups, as shown below:

2. In the below picture, I have circled in blue the area we will be focusing on in this tutorial. So, first we need to select the arena we are going to be working with. You do this by clicking on the appropriate drop down arrow, and selecting the arena of your choice. For now, we will work with the main arena, “Team XLink.”

Creating Sub-Arenas

Let’s make a sub-arena called “Clan Matches” under the main clan arena, Team XLink. Go ahead and hit the Sub button. You should see the following:

- I have circled the required areas in blue. You need to put the title of your sub-arena, in this case “Clan Matches,” in the Suffix box. You may enter a Welcome Message if you would like. This message will show up on the UI (user interface) at the top of the arena, in orange text. Go ahead and hit the Add button, and you have successfully created a sub-arena under the “Team XLink” main arena.

Deleting an Arena

Now let’s try deleting an arena. We’ll remove the one we just made, “Clan Matches.”

So, first click on Manage Arenas and Groups under your control panel, like you did in step 1. Select the desired arena from the drop down list, in this case “Clan Matches,” and hit the Delete button. Shown Below:

Editing Arenas

Now we will try editing an arena or sub-arena. Once again, click on Manage Arenas and Groups under your control panel as shown in Step 1.

Select the desired arena. (In this case, we will work with the “Team XLink” arena. This would be the main arena for your clan). Now hit the Edit button. Shown Below:

The screen that follows has many options. Use the scroll bar toward the middle of the page to view them all. We’ll go through each one and explain what they are and what they mean or do. The first 3 options are show in the pic below, in orange text. Let’s go through these first.

Welcome Message: Here you enter information that will be displayed in orange text at the top of your arena’s chat area on the UI, as shown below:

Customized Content URL: Here, you put in the url or web address of the website that is to be used for your customized content space on the UI. Below are pics to show you how you can view a clan’s customized content in a particular arena.

First click on the indicated symbol at the top right of your UI window as shown:

You will then see the following toward the right of the entire window (keep in mind that this arena does not have customized content, as I emphasized with the blue circle. If you have typed in a url in the box on the website, with the correct page sizes, you will see your customized content).

Create Status: This is quite self explanatory…you can toggle the ability for users to make private arenas in this particular arena that you are editing.

Now we can run through the last 4 options that are provided for editing your arena, as show below:

Access Permitted For: Here you can choose which user groups can enter your arena. By default, it only gives you the option to allow everyone in. With the next option, however, you can change this.

Available groups: Here, you can add groups to the list that is under the “Access Permitted For” option we discussed above. Once you add groups here, only these groups have access to this arena you are editing.

Manage Moderators: Here, you can either take away a users moderator status from this arena, or add a moderator. To delete, simply select the user with moderator status from the drop down list and hit the delete button. To add a moderator, type the XTag in the second box, and hit the add button. This user will now type in red text and be able to kick or ban any user who is in the arena, using the command on the UI, as shown below:

The first cancel symbol is the ban button, it will ban the user from that arena, and the second one, the red X, is the “kick” button, as it only kicks them from the arena, allowing them to re-enter after.

Manage Arena Avatar: Here you can upload a picture and use it for your arena avatar. There is even a built-in uploader provided for you, just hit the Browse button and choose your saved pic, then hit upload. Remember, your avatar picture MUST be 50×50 pixels, and in the correct format: jpg, png, or gif. Once you hit upload, it will display your picture in the nearby box. It will also display it on the appropriate arena on the UI, as shown below:

And that's it folks! You can now have fun adding/deleting/editing subarenas and make your clan arena a home away from home!

You may contact (-TU-)Kovert-xX or an XLink administrator with any further questions.

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