Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy (PlayStation Portable)

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Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy
Platform PlayStation Portable
Ad Hoc Support Yes
Headset support No
Official Website www.dissidia012game.com

Note: Game specific pages are a work in progress, will be lacking in detail and may contain errors. Found something wrong? Join the discord and let us know https://discord.gg/UyyjNpa

Accessing LAN Multiplayer

  1. From the main menu choose New Game or Load Game and press X ButtonIcon-PSvita-Cross.png
  2. Choose to import or save or create a new one and press X ButtonIcon-PSvita-Cross.png
    Dissidia 012 Save Data.png
  3. Choose Communication Mode and press X ButtonIcon-PSvita-Cross.png
    Online Play.png
  4. Then select Online Play and press X ButtonIcon-PSvita-Cross.png
  5. Choose the arena you'll be playing in press X ButtonIcon-PSvita-Cross.png
    Arena Screen.png


  1. Select the player and choose one of the Battle Request modes and press X ButtonIcon-PSvita-Cross.png
    Dissidia 012 Matchmaking.png
  2. Select the level cap and press X ButtonIcon-PSvita-Cross.png
    Dissidia 012 Level Cap.png
  3. Wait for the player to join
    Dissidia 012 Challenger.png


  1. Select Yes and press X ButtonIcon-PSvita-Cross.png
    You will then be able to choose your character and battle!


For the first time you play you will have to exit the game via the game menu or else it will not save your game. The tutorial is rather long